
In my current journey to pursue a Ph.D. in Global Leadership at Troy University, I have developed a passion for research across a number of areas, including transformational, authentic, and servant leadership—but also for the application of cultural and emotional intelligence by modern-day leaders.

Andres Goyanes with Doctoral Professors

Andres Goyanes and his core doctoral professors at Troy University’s Global Leadership program.

Research & Exploration

Focused on Global Leadership, Cultural Intelligence, International Business, and related competencies

Andres Goyanes is currently a doctoral student at Troy University’s Global Leadership program, pursuing a PhD with a concentration in Organizational Leadership. His research is largely fueled by his global experience, as well as his career in marketing communications and business management. Building on an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a graduate degree in Sustainable Business, Andres now pursues research at a doctoral level to explore new avenues of research across a diverse range of topics in cross-cultural leadership.

  • Transformational Leadership

    This competency studies what inspires positive change, fosters innovation, and motivates teams to exceed expectations through visionary and empowering leadership.

  • Servant Leadership

    Leaders who practice this philosophy prioritize the needs of others, guiding them by example and promoting teamwork, personal growth, and collaboration within an organization.

  • Authentic Leadership

    Authentic leaders lead others with honesty and integrity, creating a transparent and open environment that fosters trust and authentic connections that lead to increased performance.

  • Cross-Cultural Communication

    A tenet of global citizenship, this type of communication promotes effective interaction with diverse individuals, demonstrating sensitivity and adaptability that bridges cultural differences and ensures clear understanding.

  • Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

    Global leaders with CQ learn how to navigate through cultural complexity with awareness, respecting diverse viewpoints, and fostering inclusive collaboration—both locally and globally.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

    A leader with EQ recognizes and manages emotions through self-awareness, as well as the emotions of others, helping enhance interpersonal relationships through empathy, respect, and communication.

  • Social Intelligence (SQ)

    Leaders with SQ develop an understanding with social dynamics and interpersonal cues, leveraging strong communication and relationship-building skills for effective teamwork and collaboration.